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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Flexlite's

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besides the steel on the LS2's, what makes these two skates so different for the price, this may sound like a stupid question, but i am just trying to justify spending more money (on the 12's) just to get steel that id probably change anyway, thanks

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the outsole is carbon over the ''composite'' outsole(f10) and the footbed is A TAD difference...

i own the F10...and really there no major difference!!!

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i have 12s and up to this point have been pretty satisfied...but when i was tying my skates last night...the problem that has plagued the v12 seems to not have been remedied in the flexlites, as 2 eyelets broke out of the boot. they are just over a month old...theyre good skates and pretty comfortable as well, but for the 400ish i spent on them i would expect better quality and will not be getting another pair i dont think...probably moving back to my grafs.

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i paid 350CND and i skated in them for maybe 20-25 hours...and no eyelet weak...


-Super Stiff Tongue

-The toe cap on the F10 seem weak,for 20 hours they are in perfect condition...but i have the impression..i will have some problme with the toe cap!

-I might got a deffectuse pair...but the insole doesnt really stay in place...when i put my feet in...the insole move for about 2cm(3/4 inch)

to the front,which make the insole to bend(Sorry i can't really explain it in english...) that inmy F10...but when i demo the F12 i never experiment this!

-the stich( i don't know if it the good word...) seem kind of weak...But that my opinions about NIKE(beeing a good performance stuff....but not durable so i'm always scared!) but agains i had no problem!

-Laces, thAT MIGHT BE DUMB...but still...i bought a pair 9 and lace are long enought to wrap them 2 time around my ankle!!!...it bad because i really liked their lace...but oh well i will be getting some waked laces!


-Price, 500cnd for the F12 and 350cnd for the F10 is EXCELENT!

-Stiffness...pretty stiff...but after 5-10 hours they lost some stiffness(break-in) and they feel great!

-FIT coming form Tack 1152...i had no problem...they feel even better then my tack(which i skated in tack for 10 year!) So if you are a CCM guys you might really like them!

-Light..really light...but we have to know if this super light skate will be durable too...

-LIGHT SPEED 2...really...that the greatest thing about the skate i think...i was with t'blade for 2 year,,,,all i have ot say is WOW...these holder are soooo Good and Light..i think they are even ligther than the t'blades...i had no break-in time to switch to t'blades...

-Look...PP but still you have to admit for a 350cnd skate they look really nice!!...what think that i liked...the F10 are the same model(cosmetic) as the F12 are...so their no snob thing lol (haha your skate are white...i have the black...the black are better they are pro tack! you see the point)

They might be other thing... but i think i mentionned the most important thing...And oh, they were feeling great in the shop compared to the 1052 2004 that i tried in my feet and f10 in the other...they were feeling better, but once i put them in the oven...they felt 2 time better!!!

P.S: I don't know if it work but i never felt a difference(like some may have feel with the COIL in the synergy) but the flexlite technology in my opinions is just a BS form Nike lol!!!

As said...i whanted to try something different than Tack...(because i could have bought the pro tack 2004 for 400cnd...just 50 more...maybe that would i have been the best thing...but i pick the flexlite so hey!)

I always felt that NIKE SKATE were shit...and i own a pair i still have the impression i wil have to change them after the year...maybe i'm wrong who know...but with all the thing i heard about the V-12 maybe they did improve maybe not...we will know!!

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héhé 700TH POST! :D

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Every case is different and defects sometimes happen, but I've seen eyelets bust out of nearly every brand of skate and it's always been on guys skates that have been somewhat neglected -usually left in the bag very damp and never properly dried out. Therefore, the leather or upper of the boot becomes very pliable and prone to having an eyelet bust out. To make matters worse, they also try to pass a thick frayed-up lace (or one that's been knotted to keep it from fraying more) through the eyelet. Finally, instead of pulling the lace straight out of the eyelet hole when tightening, a lot of unnecessary force is put on the eyelet by tugging the laces up towards the knees.

I know being careful is complicated by being late to the rink and the desire to lace 'em up real quick so we can be first on the ice, but we sometimes act in a manner that sacrifices the longevity of our gear and then we blame the manufacturers. Hockey gear is so awesome these days, but it won't last forever the way we tend to abuse it.

And to keep this on topic...I'll agree that there is no major difference between the 10's and 12s. I have the 12s and I prefered the differences over the 10s...mainly the lower profile tongue vs the felt on the 10. I also had V-12s before the Flexlites. Never tried baking the Nikes as the fit was good out of the box. I always swap out the original Nike laces for a nice set of waxed laces before the first skate. No durability problems, but maybe I'm a bit more careful than most.

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The tongue on the 12 just seemed thinner and more neatly finished (around the edges) to me. Plus I keep the tongue under the shinpads. People who keep the tongue folded out from under their shinpads may want to go with a felt tongue because it might be easier to mold in that position (I'm guessing).

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