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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are the odds

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Back in March i went to a Michigan hockey Banquet. They were showing off RBK Hockey and had a contest for new 8K helmet. I entered thinking wut the heck. I was thinking of putting many entries in but i found out if u put more than one you were disqualified. 3-4 Months Later I WON!!!! I forgot to post that i won but i mean wut are the odds. 90 winners but there were a bunch of entries. To bad they sent me a black helmet cause my team has white. But my nice LHS let me exchange for a white!!!! I was so excited.....and i think it said on the shee i was 88th out of the 90 to winner. Just thought i would share

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I think this thread belongs in the general hockey discussions but any way..

Congrats dude! Tell us how she goes when u play next, i am very keen on picking either an 8K up or a Bauer 8000..

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Congrats, normally people never win in contests ;)

Just by the way, try to enter a spelling contest, maybe youre lucky again.

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