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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What give wood that "feel"

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I was just wondering why wood gives the player such a good feel for the puck, and if i had a compostie shaft and i used a wood blade would i be able to get that feel?

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Guest phillyfan

For a "true" wood feel, stay with the wood stick. Wood blade/shaft works just as well in my opinion, but I don't think anything replaces a wood stick, feel wise.

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I think wood dampens certain vibrations as the puck hits it. The way it dampens vibrations that give it that softer but solid feel. The fact that the shaft is solid probably has alot to do with it as well. Composites are generally stiffer (the material itself, not the hollow structure of the shaft) and dampens/transmits vibrations differently than wood.

Hespeler's Nemesis Alpha OPS/Shafts/Blades have rubber dampeners to reduce harsh vibrations typically felt with composites when receiving hard passes.

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not quite, its hollow with a foam core

Well if you're reasoning like that then wood blades aren't "solid" as well since they're made with layers of wood and glue.

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