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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi there,

yesterday we had a game against some rough playing team.

Im a guy who does a lot of streching and warmups before the game/dressing, so usually i dont have pulled muscle/sprains and also less injuries, cause the muscles are streched.

Anyway, there was a big dude coming towards me and i wanted to stop him (im acutally a forward, so defending isnt what i can got well) and i "opened" my right leg and he just banged against it. When it happened it was ok and i felt nothing, but i just got up and it hurts like hell.

I actually cant say where it exactly is, but i guess its somewhere around the hip flexor, groin and the upper thigh.

Do you know what i could do now (except of seeing a doctor)?

I tried to stretch it but well it hurt too much.

I guess i will get a pack of ice and let it work.

Thanks in advance.

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Re Herr Karlsson

It's not necessary to a see a a doc, for every bump in the road so to speak, but if something hurts like "hell" it's a strong indicator to stop the activity that causes the very same pain. So why not give hockey a rest for a short while and apply some cold/heat to reduce the symptoms and see how it's like, lets say in a week?

And if stretching exercises results in pain, stop doing them. Not that constructive to apply even more pressure on an already, possibly, damaged muscles/tendons, is it?

I presume you asked your coach about this, and what did he tell you to do?

OT, just curious Sven, but do you speak Swedish, After all you got a Swedish username.



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Hi Lilleman (the one from the spammed CCM-Forums, right?)

well i havent talked to my coach yet, cause it started to hurt this morning when i got up.

When i tryto walk its ok, just when i 'open' my legs, which uses the hipflexor, its really painful.

Every second day i go to the gym and pump some weights. Today i went to the gym too. Like everytime i do some exercises for my thighs and the other skating mucles. I used one machine where you have to push your legs together, normally i push 70 kilograms, but today 30 were like 1000 needles.

I just tried to localize the pain and now i know its the hip flexor.

So, any ideas ?

I'll cool it this area tonight.

I wont go out (:( its nice weather, summer vacation and stuff) and eat chips in front of the PC, maybe this'll help a bit.


Well im half swedish, half german :)

All my relatives (except mother) are from sweden and i was born there (Stockholm) but im in Germany since im age 1.

In my 'heart' im swedish, cause in my view its the coolest country ever.

I got a lot of jerseys (soccer, hockey) flags, stickers pins and whatsoever in my room ;)

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Re Sven

Wish I could help you more, but it's impossible because ;

A I'm no physician

B This is the world of Internet, IOW I wasn't there when it happened

But, for the risk of repeating myself, it's not that wise really to do something that feels like "1000 needles", so have some rest, chat with the coach and see what the situation is, like in a week or so. Sometimes in life, it's not that much one can do really but one can get a long way by using common sense in these situations.

On a sidenote, the very reason for me "harping/bitching" about "doctor" this and "doctor that" is, because that over the years, I might have spent months in physical therapy after injuries and surgey, just to be able to play. With that background you get some accumulated knowledge over the general "do's" and "don't's, like training with serious pain or not . And I have done the mistake in in the past, in not following a doctors advice, because I was 15 and wanted to play so badly. That was v e r y stupid of me. So in my book, health is No one, because neglect that, and the very latest stick with space technology etc etc, won't make "you" feel better seeing your buddies play from the stand. That, if anything sucks. End of moral lecture.

Look at it from the bright side, nothing wrong with some junk food and some telly, is there ;-)



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