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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warped Vapor XXX

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Just wondering if anybody has seen any warped Vapor XXX shafts. I noticed mine was bent after one skate (I never bothered to check it before I used it), and I contacted my rep about it. I have since received two replacements and they are both warped. I have gone into other shops and every XXX that I have looked at is the same way, warped anywhere from about midshaft to upper hosel. It's not extreme, but it looks like they have been left in the slap shot tester too long. They are all bent correctly (lefty sticks bent to the left, righty sticks to the right). My XV shaft was the same way. I looked at my Endure and XX, as well as those in other shops, and those shafts are fine. Let me know if anybody else has seen this.

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i have a vapor xxx ,102 flex and i dont think its warped ,if it is its helping my shot because ive been shooting better lately :D

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