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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Back Injury

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Im not sure of the spelllin on the injury but what i hav is called spondolothesis

after a year of dealin with it i finally went to a doctor and took off 3 months of activity.it hasnt healed the doctor i went to suggested i stay away from contact sports and that i stay active in other ways or sports.I was wondering if any of you guys have this injury and what you do about it?


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i am also looking to do more workout on abs and obliques because it is a well known fact taht if your stomach muscles are stronger that tehy can take pressure off your back so can you guys help me out wit telling me some of the best exercises for strength in the abdominals and the obliques?

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thanks i appreciate it but its feeling fine now but i think my hockey career is over :( idk im goin to keep working out and liftin i just dont want to hav to go through what i did last year with this injury now that i am feeling 100 percent even thoguh the catscans show that the crack in the bone on my spine is not goin to heal

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