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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DeI 18

Graf 727 GW

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Anyone here know where I can find pictures of these skates? If not, could someone photoshop a pic? I'm not too good with photoshop, otherwise I'd try it. I searched Google and came up with nothing, and when I searched the site, it gave me 115 pages of topics. If anyone knows a thread about this, please redirect me because I couldn't find it.



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I'm still searching, and I've narrowed the pages to 53. Now I'm just trying to find a similar topic, but it's not happening. :(

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I'm looking into some Grafs, and liked the fit of the 727s. After reading some threads on custom Grafs, I've started considering them, but i want to see what they would look like first.

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I've never seen the 727s in a great white. Have you worn them before? They seem to have a very small following. Try contacting a Graf dealer and asking if they could get pictures.

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well the 727 is an all leather boot so you could get it all white or just the quarter panel white or just the area where the eyelots are white or just the eyelots and back white or back and quarter and toe cap white

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I was thinking that the piece around the eyelets and the back being white would be pretty awesome. I've also never ordered custom skates before, so someone could correct me if I'm wrong with the process. From what I've gathered here in other threads, I go to my local Graf dealer, inquire about custom skates, and then they'll know what to do, right?

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