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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it bad if axles bind in their spacers ?

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As some of you know from an earlier post, I was having problems getting spacers for regular bearings that fit the axles on my Quest 1s. Finally, Bauer/Nike replied to my many contacts and sent me a bag of two whole sets of axles and spacers. They sent me 2 sets because the guy I spoke to was unsure as to what I need. It sounded like he was going to pull them from a tray of loose parts.

One set of axles is completely wrong. The other set contains axles that seem to be identical to mine. Most of the spacers seem to fit the axles well, but several of them bind a bit. Not a lot, but if you move the spacer up and down the axle, you can feel it catch in certain spots, and on some of them if you push the spacer closer to the end it is stuck and requires a bit of force (not much) to free it. Some spacers will not rotate around the axle at all, if the spacer is in a certain position along the axle, but rotate more freely when the spacer is moved down a bit. I'm guessing the problem is the spacers, since if I put the axles in the spacers for a set of Quest 3s I borrowed, they move smoothly throughout.

So my question is, How important is it for the spacer to move smoothly around the axle, given that bearings themselves move smoothly around their inner sleeve ? Will the pair still work in bearings if there is a bit of binding ?

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