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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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screws and bolts?

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Hi eveB

I'm looking for some axles for my roller

I have a old pair of VSI team vibe 2001

In particular the big screw for the Vibe system

Those are this one (just below) but in black and longer (but the same diameter)


Those fix the front wheel


and the rear wheel


Mission seems to have stop the production and a lot of stores have already sold it out (even those for D1,D1C with the square form)



Please forgive me for my very bad english (indeed I'm french) ;)

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I might be able to help you out but its not a guarantee. I have an old pair of Missions that all the threading came out and ripped and theyre useless but they might have the vibe chassis and the screws still on. Ill go home and check and if I do just give me your address and I can mail them to oyu. Im not 100% so dont count on it though.

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Oki thanks you very much for answering so fast

You seem to be very nice people

There's only one problem I live in france now

But if you are ready to mail me them , I'm also ready to mail you the money you want for those and the money for the mail cost ;)

Those I need are this one :


trucks50>Do you have a picture of the Vibe chassis you're talking about?Do you still use it?I have a pair of Graf 709 and I wish I could put A vibe on it , I think the vibe chassis will be perfect with the specific spode of graf'boot !!

My vibe is the first one, the next year, there's a vibe 2 and the Same vibe as mine on the type M (they just change the color and replace some steel pieces by plastique pieces :lol: ). But all the screw are compatible (they all match ;) )

Thanks again


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