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Laptop Warranty

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Guys I just bought a Toshiba M40 laptop from Best Buy for 1599 and I bought there $400 3 year warranty that covers natural wear and tear and nothing else. It can be returned within 30 days so I am just wondering for people who have used Toshibas if you really think this extra money is required. Im on a tight budget and Im not going to drop 400 if its not really necessary. The dude who sold me it made me and my old man feel like every week someone comes in and returns it but I dont believe that because if that were the case laptop sales would not be that high. He also miraculously had his motherboard get fried just last week if you can believe that it just happened when Im coming to buy my computer. So in the end Im asking is it really worth it, my mom and dad both have dells and nevere had a problem so I dont know if this is really necesarry and I want as many truly honest opinions as possible. Thanks a lot. And one more point Toshiba itself offers a 425 full accident policy so for the extra 25 I could spill stuff on it or drop it and get it covered so if anything Ill get that as it is way more protective the Best Buys. Once again thanks.

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Get the toshiba warranty if possible, but circuit city also offers an accidental damage warranty, not sure if they have the laptop you want, but i do know that the 4 yr w/ accidental is about 525 bucks on most of the m45s.

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toshiba are knowing for their laptop but, the thing with laptop is..when something crash''normally'' everything crash with it!

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I just got a Toshiba, and originally purchased the 3-yr extended warranty from the store. I later found out that buying the laptop with my credit card automatically added an extra year onto the 1-yr manufacturer's warranty, so I decided to get a refund on the ext. warranty and save myself the $400. Might be an idea to find out if your credit card company has the same policy.

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