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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wicked Light Skates on eBay

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Any idea if these are better or worst than the mission wicked light vibe that came with green wheels (don't remember the name) and had vibe system on it.

Do anybody know if they are heavier than the wicked light vibe?

Finally, I don't know if I'd better wait for the mission 10000 or go for these skates...

thanks for your help! ;)

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Any idea if these are better or worst than the mission wicked light vibe that came with green wheels (don't remember the name) and had vibe system on it.

Do anybody know if they are heavier than the wicked light vibe?

The carbon chassis has been known to break on many many skates, including a pair of mine. The vibe chassis also has some problems of its own. When some kids fell it would rip up the floor.

I love and still use my Wicked Lights, but they're just old technology now. You can get a much better skate now in the $199-325 range than the wicked lights.

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Thanks for your help!

I asked that because I heard a lot of people asking mission (and justin..) to use the vibe series as models for the new one. I had a pair of proto vsi vibe which lasted 3 years (and then were stolen) and I had nothing to complain about, except for the vibe system which ripped off pretty quickly. One the other side, I never had such comfortable skates and the tightening was perfect: I nerver felt loose in my skates, even 3 years later.

So I'm looking for quite the same skates, the 10000 helium seems to be better than last year models, but I wonder if they will be as stiff as the vibe series was. At least , the wicked light are stiff, but I also heard that their carbon chassis was easy to brake...

Hmmm, after all I still lost... :P

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Eh, I own a few pairs of WL's and none have broken. Many people on MSH agree that the WL is one of the best pairs of skates ever made (thats why they get snatched up so quickly). $200 is pretty steep but they outperform and are of better quality (specifically boot construction) than many skates Mission makes now. This is the best model of the WL, the Vibe is pretty much a gimmick that added weight to a skate which purported to be the lightest skate at the time... pretty much a bad idea (Spinners on roller hockey skates anyone?).

Give the WL a look when you are comparing with the 10000, because the new 10000 will be almost 2-3 times as much as a pair of WL.

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