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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converting skates

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I think this goes here if not mods please move.

Right, for roller hockey i dont care what skates i wear as long as the wheels move, so i was gonna buy ice skates and convert them.

At the minute i have Sher-wood Raptor 6 skates size 10's(us size 11 i think) and i was gonna buy either Easton Octane, Easton Phantom, Nike Quest V2, Bauer Vapor 1, CCM SK92, CCM Vector 2.0 or RBK 3K because their really cheap.

So what i was wondering is could i put my chassis on these skates and if so would i need to get a different size skate, 9.5, 11.5 etc?


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I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking, but you better buy skates that fit your foot and not worry about them fitting your chassis. You'd be much better off buying a new chassis for skates that fit you rather than having skates that fit your feet poorly but work on your current chassis.

Another option would be to buy a pair of ccm pf2's, bauer 30-50s, mission he150s, or whatever other lower end roller hockey skate fits you best. You'd have a lot less trouble with chassis size, and I think most of those skates sell for around $100US.

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Can you get chassis from like a Sport Check or something? and how does the sizing work? I have a jr skate boot and my friend just gave me his roller hockey skate and I want to put in his Senior size 10s onto my Jr 5.5 EE that wont work will it?

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Can you get chassis from like a Sport Check or something? and how does the sizing work? I have a jr skate boot and my friend just gave me his roller hockey skate and I want to put in his Senior size 10s onto my Jr 5.5 EE that wont work will it?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say ... no. :lol: ;)

Hockeymonkey.com , as well as many other online store have chassis, though.

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if it helps, i did that conversion from a nike V-9 ice with a sherwood e-frame.

once again it's better to try on all the skates that you reported, because until you'll try them you'll never know what fits you correctly.

while being at hockeygiant in anaheim, i tried even all the ccm, mission and bauer rollers that they had, but none of them fitted my foot properly. so finally i had t choose between nike V9 and bauer4000 (all of them were on sale!!). tried them again, and decided for the nikes. they're awesome. and the total cost (excluding the weels that i already had) was $140. less than a pair of ccm PF4 or bauer mega 30-50...

but even more, don't trust all the fitting schedule you can find nearly everywere. until you try them, you'll never know the exact size you need. they say that nike goes one-size low from you normal shoe, but i have an 11, and my V9 are 9.5EE. but my eastons z.air are 10D, and my previous ccm externos were 9.5E. go figure if you can catch the right one without trying them...

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