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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nailed in the choppers

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i know jason arnott took a hard slap shot right to the face when he was a oiler. it was from his own teamate as well on a PP. i still remember that game on tv and it was not pretty at all.

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Im not a sadist, but are there pics (except the JR one)?

Its just 'interesting' what all can happen.

I just know the video of McLaren(sp?) who got a slapper into the face

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Once my dad came out for his first time to a drop-in and his first shift, some little kid shot the puck and it hit him right square in the nose. There was blood every where and he had to get stitches. The worst part is that that was the day before we went to Maui :o

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I cant remember who it was but someone from the Dallas Stars took a puck striaght to the face and it broke his jaw

It was Phillipe Boucher vs the Devils and it broke his orbital bone.

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I've scored before when a puck deflected off my cage and into the net. I would have had a broken nose otherwise. This past weekend I got butt-ended in the cage when a guy next to me took a spill and his arms went flying.

Also, I've never had a problem seeing anything that's happening during a game.

Pavol Demitra got his jaw broken by a deflected puck once, iirc.

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