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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Glove..

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So those of you out there that have XXX's, what do you think about them.. I'm currently in the market for a new pair of gloves and have thoroughly enjoyed my XX's, they've had it though.. i've done my Homework on them and have tried a pair on in my LHS, but would just like a little feedback on the glove and how they perform.. the pros and cons..

Are they a similair fit to the XX, are they as durable?.. etc..

Thanx :)

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Thre´re nice. I used them only twice so far but I´d say I like em. Coming from a much tighter fitting glove I am still having some problems to adjust to them (slipping) but they are nice. What bothers me is that they don´t seem to be that well ventilated.

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I've had mine since the beginning of january and I love them. They wick out moisture like no other, compared to the vapor xx's I have tried on, the xxx's have much better flexibility, they are lighter, but I think the the xx's have more padding. But the xxx's are still the best gloves that I have ever had.

P.S.- compared to the xx the xxx's have a much better feel with your stick, since the palm is so thin it feels like your grabbing the stick barehanded. They are definately worth the money

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