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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Someone from Rink Rat...?

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I ordered a set of the new MB816's. One of the 72's will not spin when tightened down. I tried switching location as well as bearings and spacers. No matter what that one wheel will stop spinning when tightened down. Any possibility of getting this one wheel warrantied?

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Thought I'd throw in... I skated on these MB816's (with one Hornet on) for the first time tonight. These 78a MB816's grip no where near as good as Hornet 78a's. I'm thinking maybe it has to do with less urethane. The Hub is so big that it makes a 78a feel much harder. All I know is that I was slippin' all over the place on these wheels. I had high hopes for these too... bummer! Wish I would have gone with the softer ones.

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Sorry to here your having a spin problem with the 816, please send me your address to

Mike_hunt@mearthane.com and I will send you out another wheel. I would also like to get that wheel back to see where the problem lies.

If the 78A 816 is to hard for you that your finding a bit of slipping might I suggest the 76A 816...That should stop your slipping.

Thanks for the heads up and sorry for the problem.

Michael Hunt

Rink Rat

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i thought i might add a congratulations to rink rat for their 06 wheel its absolutely amazing and people thought last years ones were the best

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