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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike V-Force (V-12) vs Flexlite 10

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Hi guys,

I am deciding on which one I should get. Please help. I have a wide wide feet.

They have a $80 difference. Which should I get??? Thanks for your help!!

Also, anyone know the difference between Flexlite 10 & 12?? Locally I can only see a 12 in store, but there are flexlite 10 on line. How is the liner inside the boot? Personally I don't quite like the 'felt' like liner in V-series.

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Without beeing an asshole.. What the point of your question...YOU ARE SELLING A PAIR OF F12...so you should know if you like the flexlite or not...

Secondly...i made a review about the F10 skate...look in the review section... and they might be a review for the V line

If not you still can search for some info...by using the search button

If it still not good...please explain it more..

thanks you...i'm sorry if i am a bit rude with you...

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Searching is a good idea, I find the flexlite to fit narrower near the forefoot and wide at the heel and the V-series is opposiste, the v-12 is more expnsive because it is the top skate for the V-series and the Flexlite 10s is a downgradeded model of the tog of the line flexlite skate. Go with fit first, but they should be quite similar.

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