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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yet another exercise thread...

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Well... just started playing hockey about 3 weeks ago, taking lessons at a rink about 35 miles away. I really want to get into shape, I'm 19, turning 20 in a couple of months, 5'8", bordering 160lbs (a 20lbs increase in just the past month or two :\). Other than every Sunday night, I get basically no physical activity. Part of it is because of strenuoous schoolwork, but part of it is also laziness. I want to exercise, but don't know what I should do. I don't have a gym membership 'cause I sorta can't afford it :\. I do have two 10lbs. dumbells though, and an exercise bike. Please help a fellow hockeyer in need. Thanks in advance.

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Are you doing everything you can to use your normal activities to get into shape? Are you walking to class. When you get to the building, do you take the stairs or ride the elevator. Running up the stairs in short (12 second) bursts is very much like accelerating in hockey. When you park your car in the lot, do you get the closest space to park way over on the far end from where you are going. Do you carry your books in a back pack? Put a few bricks in the pack and haul it around. When you put your sneakers on in the morning do it while balancing on one foot. Get a cheap set of adjustable dumbells (around $40), and work out while you are watching TV. Do some pushups, chinups, or sittups during study breaks.

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