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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T-Flex Blades

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hey guys wondering if anyone knows any good sites with T-Flex blades, woody or graphite, lefty or righty, any pattern, ummm also why in the hell are there sooooo many left handed blades left but not right???

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I saw a 10-Pack of LH T-Flex blades (mixed pro patterns) on ebay yesterday. Should still be there if you search.

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after reading the post about custom christian blades, i looked at their site. apparently you can choose the thickness and the length of your blade hosoul when you get customs made. if you got a long size tapered blade then if would fit a t-flex like a glove! if i can find some new shafts i'ma be all over that. :D

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