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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Western Reserve Academy

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I was wondering if anyone here had ever heard of it or played against them maybe. I might be getting sent there and I havent been playing travel for about a year now cuz I had to stop and "grow up" and get a job and all sorts but ive been on skates for drop in and such. I was wondering if any kids on here have seen them and knew of their caliber of play because I was thinking about trying for the hockey team there if I have to go there. Thanks

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Hey where are you from? .... i live in hudson ... which is like right next to it, literally, i can walk there ... their hockey isnt too great, but they're lacrosse is AMAZING ... they r ranked like 23rd in the nation .. so if u play tht, go for it .... its also real good in academics .. but if you are all about hockey, go for like st.eds or sumthin .. that is also in this area, if you have any ?'s just let me know .. i can go up there and find out for you

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I grew up in Hudson and its a wonderful little town: the ice cream social on the green, the mouse on the clock tower at Christmas, CHERRY COKES AT SAYWELL'S!!

Sorry if I don't cry you a river of tears about getting "sent" to an elite $32,000 a year private school. If you even get a chance to go there take it, play hockey to keep in shape and to have fun, and realize that though your chances of playing on an NHL team may be lessened, your chances of owning one have greatly increased.

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I know that we rnt goin to the NHL .. i just didnt know if u were goin there for hockey only ... or what .... if ur goin there or being *sent* .. then def. go there .. how old are you .. i have some friends that go there .... they added on to downtown hudson now ... u should see it ...

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