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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CD player help.

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I totaled my old car and just got my new one. This one had a jensen or jepsen cd player, I can't remember. I ripped it out last night and put in my cd player out of my other car. Its a JVC KD-LH1000. Everything was hooked up right but the cd part didn't work. Turns out a cd is stuck from my accident. I ripped out the front and I can see the cd and actually grab it. Something is clamping down on it and it wont let me pull it out. What should I do? Any ideas, or has anyone ever had this problem before? If I do end up getting out do you think it will work again? Thanks in advance.

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Quick update. I ended up ripping the whole cd player apart, and I took the cd out. I put everything back together correctly. I hooked it up to my car, and it wont accept the cd and does the same thing? Anyone have any ideas?

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