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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi all. I'm planning on buying new skates either this week or next week because my current skates are literally falling apart. Last year I paid close to 200 dollars cdn for skates that have not even lasted me a full year. So this time I've decided to invest more money in a pair that'll hopefully last me several years. Unfortunately due to my limited resources, i have to stick to a budget of 350US. Can anyone recommend skates within this price range? Looks aren't really a concern, it's all about durability and comfort for me. So far I've tried on a pair of Supreme 8000s and they feel good but are there any other skates that can match the 8000s? Here are some things to consider.

-I have a narrow foot with a high arch.

-Because I play defense I take alot of shots to the foot as well as go to the corners to dig the puck out.

-I spend 6-7 hrs a week on the ice.

If anyone here owns a pair of Supreme 8000s I would love to hear from you guys! Are there any significant differences between the 8000 and 8090? Thanks again.

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OK i just did a little searching and quickly found out the differences between the two. But i'd still like to hear your guys' recommendations. I wish I could go with the best fitting skates but Money is an issue so if you guys know any skate models under 400 US that sounds like it'll fit my foot type it would really help alot.

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