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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Tri-Flex Golds?

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If anyone could come through for me on this, you guys and gals are it ;), but anyways, I'm looking for some Tri-Flex Gold's, I really loved mine and it finally took its last shot, so if anyone could help me find some in either the P88 (lindros) or PM9 (modano clone) or even the P10(Gagne) it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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I have a 77 flex, lindross curve, used maybe about 7 times, i got one, then it broke, i sent it back, got another, and just didnt like it anymore after using my synergy again ....... if ur interested, just tell me, i will check how long it is and all tht stuff ..

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i checked and we have them in both left and right in Lindros and Heatley (P106). Both in Int flex. If your looking for senior i'm also pretty sure that Hockey1.com has them too.

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i checked and we have them in both left and right in Lindros and Heatley (P106). Both in Int flex. If your looking for senior i'm also pretty sure that Hockey1.com has them too.

Hockey1 doesnt have any in Sr.,they do in INT.

They have some Red/Silver triflex and Blue/Silver in their shop, but thats it.

try calling them though ,they might have some in the back room somewhere.

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