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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Shin Pads and Pants

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I had a pair of Easton Ultra Lite shin pads, but the plastic stuff on the front of it cracked and finally shattered near the bottom. I am need of a new pair of shin pads obviously...

What are good shin pads that fit similar to the Easton Ultra Lite's other than those and the Synergy 900 version of the UL. I was thinking of Rbk 8k, 7k, 6k's or Synergy 900. I would like them to be light, but good protection.

Also, I out grew my CCM 452 Tack pants, and I was looking for some new ones. Again, I was thinking Rbk 8k, 6k or Synergy 900. I like pants with good protection, they have to be light, and very mobile

Suggestions, comments? Thanks in advance

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In terms of shin pads, I have the 4Ks and they seem to be enough. They're light, ventilated and aren't slouches in being protective. Took a slapshot off one the other night.

For pants, I have the Synergy 500s. I'll post the same thing as before…They're an awesome pant. Really light and seem to protect well from all the falls and hits I've taken. One word of caution though, don't go by the size on the label. I bought an XL because my waist is a 38. I got home to put them on and they were huge so I had to go one size down and they fit fine.

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I recently got Tackla 951 pants and Nike V-10 shins. I am absolutely loving BOTH. Anything Tackla is pretty much great.. Coming out of Easton shinpads the Nikes were weird to get used to because of the non stretch strap but once you do get used to it, the thing keeps your shins in place and feel great.

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i really like the 6k shin pads... they are different from all the other ones with their vent system which allows for air flow. i have the 4k which has the same system but it's only because my local shop doesn't have the 6k. i don't know about the 6k but the 4k fits like a glove and is mad light.

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I have the RbK 8k Shinnys. I absolutly love em. They are so light and so much protection. I blocked numerous shots off my shins being a big Dmen, havent felt a thing.

For pants, i use RbK 5k, VERY light and comfortable. Great protection i have found so far. Great price aswell.

*!*!* 500th *!*!*

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