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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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return of the z-core?

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when chris simon was in the box tonight (after a dumb penalty of course) i got a good look at his stick. it was a orange'ish red shaft and in yellow letters i swear it said z-core. i'm not sure if this is old news; i apologize if it is. i can't find pics of it yet.

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Iam sorry to ask but what is a z core and wat does it stand for.

Its just an old shaft. I don't think the Z means anything, just a cool name I guess

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z-core was an aluminum shaft covered in some kind of composite. strength of an aluminum and close to the lightness of a composite shaft. that was back in the day when it was closer though, today's shafts generally feel way lighter. which i kind of hate. easton a/g (z-core's) shafts are fantastic.

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