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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any word on the new batch of Genesis Wheels?

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They came on my Tour skates and I've suffered from cracked cores (2) and incorrectly sized hubs that cause my wheels to wobble a bit.

I've called Labeda 3 times already and every time I've called I've been told "we should have the new batch poured in 2 weeks. We have your contact information so we will contact you once we have the new wheels."

The last time I called was 3 weeks ago. Has anyone heard anything yet? I'm getting a little impatient as it's coming up on 3 months since I've had this problem. Granted, they did send me two older wheels to replace the cracked core Genesis ones... but that doesn't fix the "wobble" my other wheels have which I think is the reason my bearings are already shot.

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I spoke to someone last week, and I was told the new pour should have been done last Friday and they would go out ASAP. He took my info again.

I've had to buy new Genesis wheels in the meantime cuz more have cracked. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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If you purchased a pair of Tour Code-1 skates, and have had any wheel problems, you can contact us directly if your not being taken care of by Labeda. Call 217-324-3961 ext 1229. Labeda shipped the new Genesis wheels to us a couple days ago. We are expecting them any day now. Rest assured, if you purchased Code-1 skates and have any core breakage (Genesis wheel) we will replace the wheels, "No Hassle Replacement".

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I just wanted to update. Labeda sent me a brand new set of 8 wheels. Two of my cores cracked but the other wheels had what I beleive was a mis-sized hub whiched caused the wheels to have some movement that shouldn't be there. Labeda said they never heard of that but they sent me the new wheels anyways. Labeda customer service is great!

The new hubs are stronger. You can see the difference when comparing to the old gensis wheels. I can't feel a weight difference either. It also stopped my "wheel movement" problem I had with the first batch of wheels.

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