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Bauer Vapor VI Stickum sticks

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Seems I will be getting a Bauer Vapor VI Stickum stick for my birthday, has anyone here tried those? And what do you think of them? They're not the lightest OPS out there but that's not a problem as I don't really want for a stick to be TOO light either. The Stickum grip feels pretty nice too. What are the flexes like compared to Easton sticks? I've never used Bauer sticks before, so what's the Senior Pro 102 and Regular 87 like? And what curve would be the best for a guy who likes the Sakic pattern on Easton sticks?

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The Vapor VI is very tough, just like the Vapor V (same stick, but VI has stick um). The reason why it's heavier than higher-end OPS is that it has fiberglass combined with carbon fiber. The fiberglass is what makes the V and VI stronger than most other OPS.

The 102 flex in Bauer = 100 in Easton, 87 Bauer = 85 Easton, 77 = 75, and 52 = 50. Bauer kinda copies Easton with its flex scale, as most consumers compare sticks to Easton, because they're the leader. It's easier this way than having a different scale for every company (like CCM and TPS do).

And if you like the Sakic Easton pattern, the P92 Naslund Bauer definitly is the curve you want.

Also note that it says 0.470 on the tapper of the Vapor VI (and all other Bauer OPS). It means the Vapor's have a 0.470" tapper, whereas all of Easton's tappers are 0.520". That means the Bauer's tapper is thinner, allowing your flex to be concentrated in the lower part of the shaft, compared to more in the middle of the shaft for Easton. The lower the flex, the faster the energy travels down to your blade in the deflection process. Try it; flex a Vapor stick, and then flex a Synergy SL or even a Stealth, and you'll notice the difference right away.

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The Bauer VI is one of the best OPS I have ever used.I got mine for free,but I liked it alot better than the the XX and it lasted longer then any OPS that I have used up to date other than the RBK 6K.I think you will like it alot.

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cobrAA Posted on Oct 13 2005, 09:32 AM

  do you know anything about other taper???(different compagny) 

TPS XN10 and the XN10 R2 (tapper shaft) are both 0.520"

All Synergy's (silver, SI Core, SL, ST), the Stealth, and Synthesis shaft are all 0.520"

Mission L2, and M1 are 0.520" too. I'm pretty sure the new Mission Hex is the same as well.

CCM Vector's are a bit different. They're somewhere between 0.470 and 0.520.

Rbk's are all 0.520", whether we're talking OPS or tapper shaft.

That I know of, Bauer's got the thinnest tappers. OPS all 0.470, and Vapor XV tapper shaft is 0.520"

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nice...would this be why Bauer Broken OPS cut to fit tapered...are more harder to do??

anyways that interesting...

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