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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement Genesis Wheels

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Just got my replacement Genesis wheels from Labeda. Thanks alot guys!

It seems the the center piece that holds the bearing has been revamped. It was completely round, now it's hexagonal. I'm assuming this shape creates a more structually sound core and be as likely to crack like the rounded shape cores. Also, they hold the bearings alot tighter than the round shape core. With the round shape, the bearings used to just fall out easily. Now they seem to be much tighter and it was actually more difficult to put the bearings in. Much more of a secure fit.

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Hey...I just bought a pair of Tour Code 1s and have used them about 5 times and already 2 of my genesis wheels have cracked right around the mini bearing which is causing the wheels to shift back and forth. Also one of the holes for the bolts is to big for the bolt and causes the wheel to shift and be unstable...im not sure what to do or if there is anything to do?

Can someone help me out or give me some info?

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