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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sportchek: Easton Ultra Comp SE/LE

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oh.. i missed that..

yeah.. i have seen them in person

the look exactly like the zubbles with out the bubbles.

i think i would hold out for the LE cause it weighs less, but have seen SEs that weight 290g

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What's the difference between this UltaComp SE or LE and an Ultra Lite? I don't see much other than looks. An Ultra Lite is basically a Zbubble without the bubble, no?

Is this some kind of special edition stick just for Canada or for the Sportchek chain? SE - Special Edition, LE - Limited Edition???

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yes it is...as for the ultra lite...i think it is somekind different than the z-bubble... the z-bubble have a feeling that ''it feel more like a high end shaft'' compared to teh UL which feel like '' not the lightest shaft,,,but this shaft is tank for 100cnd''

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only difference i saw was weight

it looks like a high end shaft as it is "wrapped" like the zbubble

it could be a UL with the zbubble wrap...

but that is pure speculation

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What's the difference between this UltaComp SE or LE and an Ultra Lite? I don't see much other than looks. An Ultra Lite is basically a Zbubble without the bubble, no?

Is this some kind of special edition stick just for Canada or for the Sportchek chain? SE - Special Edition, LE - Limited Edition???

Lesser materials in the Carbon. They were having a ton of really simple breakage problems. The top and bottom of the shafts were cracking when they were heated. Some blame should be put on the buyers, but it wasn't a common problem with other shafts, these were just a lower quality model.

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The Carbon line. Stay away. Remember you told me to steer clear of the "Jazz line" at Golftown? Steer clear of this shaft. There's better deals in the Sell forum and regionally. It's nothing but a cheap alternative for someone who wants a composite shaft. It doesn't save money because it breaks so quickly. Your better off spending the money to get an Ultra-Lite, or if its too much, getting a quality wood stick.

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Places like Sportscek love it because they generally have people looking for good deals in there. Alot of people buying gifts and such as well. It looks nice, it has some decent stats if you look at the actual shaft and ontop of it all, it breaks. Alot of people buying from Sportschek won't return it if broken, or don't play enough to break it in the 30 days (weekly it works out to 4 games). I saw most break after the first blade change or butt-end insertion.

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