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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok skate sizing

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I need help with Reebok skate sizing.

What do they run close to?




Normal 1-1 1/2 sizes down? Or just 1 size?

Can't find anything in any sizing charts for Reebok as well.

Any help appreciated.


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Rbk's fit pretty much just like the CCM 2005.

I wear 8 D in Supreme 8090, and need 7 1/2 D Rbk's and CCM's. That is for the pro tight fit.

Note I also wear a tight Nike 10 US size in running shoes.

Hope it helps

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Im an 11 in Nike Sneakers..I wear a 10 in the Easton Synergy Skates, a 9-9.5 EE in bauers, and a 9 in CCM but could fit an 8.5 with my toes barely touching

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Rbk's fit pretty much just like the CCM 2005.

I wear 8 D in Supreme 8090, and need 7 1/2 D Rbk's and CCM's. That is for the pro tight fit.

Note I also wear a tight Nike 10 US size in running shoes.

Hope it helps


So if I wear a 6 in Bauer...I could probably fit into a 5.5 in Reebok?

I used to fit into 5.5 CCM's. I guess that would make sense.

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So if I wear a 6 in Bauer...I could probably fit into a 5.5 in Reebok?

I used to fit into 5.5 CCM's. I guess that would make sense.

Probable, but keep in mind 5 1/2 CCM Rbk is JR sizes. Those JR skates are nothing like their SR counterpart, especially the 8K. And if you look anything like on your picture, I don't think JR Rbk will be strong enough for you... ;)

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So if I wear a 6 in Bauer...I could probably fit into a 5.5 in Reebok?

I used to fit into 5.5 CCM's. I guess that would make sense.

Probable, but keep in mind 5 1/2 CCM Rbk is JR sizes. Those JR skates are nothing like their SR counterpart, especially the 8K. And if you look anything like on your picture, I don't think JR Rbk will be strong enough for you... ;)

Ahhh yes....good point. Thanks.

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im wearin a pair of 5.5D rbk 8ks right now and there holding up well. i would never sacrifice stiffness for proper size.if you get a too big of a skate it can break down prematurely since it will be flexing at teh wrong points. like the person who stated above that he can wear a 9 ccm/rbk but if he goes to a 8.5 hes just touching that is how you want skates too fit because once the skates heated your foot will come back more in the skate because the padding will soften

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