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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jofa cage dilemma

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Ive had a jofa 480 cage for a couple months and tonight while at practice the chin cup ripped off from the cage on one side. I brought it into the pro shop and the guy just cut it of completely and gave me a bauer chin strap. My question is are there warrantys on cages and can a another chin cup be put back on or will i have to use the bauer one?

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Ive had a jofa 480 cage for a couple months and tonight while at practice the chin cup ripped off from the cage on one side. I brought it into the pro shop and the guy just cut it of completely and gave me a bauer chin strap. My question is are there warrantys on cages and can a another chin cup be put back on or will i have to use the bauer one?

Good question. From a liability / warranty point of view, once you have physically altered the cage and/or used non-genuine parts, you have void your right to a warranty and more importantly liability to injury.

But, don't my word for it, just call Jofa's head office in Canada or the USA and get your anwser.

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