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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flexlite break in

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I had a chance to try the flexlite 12 last night. The skate fit great out of the box,felt great on my feet, but the higher boot hurt the top outside part of my leg 3or4 inches above my ankles it was all i could think about. I read to leave the top Ilet open tried that half way through, didn't seem to matter,maybe it was already to late. The skate feels so great on the ice i hate to give it up. Has any one else had the upper leg problems and did it go away with time? thanks

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i had this problem with my V-9s a long time ago and I used it for about 5 more sessions and it just went away. It's just a break-in thing so i wouldn't be too worried. I'm sure if you wear them at home it'll go away quicker.

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If it does not go away I suggest trying some 8090s. I think they fit pretty simmilar because when trying those and the flexlites on the only difference I could feel was the higher cut. Maybe its just me.

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i had the same problem as you...i unlace the top eyelet...but didn't make any real difference...so i ended up selling these excellent baby and buy 852...

these skate are so nice....in every aspect...if you can have high cut boot!

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stick with them man. I have flexlites and i had that problem...i still have the scar. You just have to tough it out a little bit and it will go away and they will feel amazing. I promise you. I unlaced my top eyelet and it didn't really help...but it went away. My friend laces his all the way up and it went away for him to. Don't quit so easily...tough it out for a bit longer. It took me about around 6 skates until it didn't bother me. Try some new skin...that helps too. Its just a blister. It will go away because you'll get a calus there.

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another way you MIGHT be able to get rid of it is to lace up the skates when your not wearing them and tighten up the laces and leave it for a while.

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I have the same problem with my Nike V-force. But only to my right, not left.

It hurts because I wear a very thin socks.

So, before the skate is fully break in, u can try to wear long pants inside and have the pants cover up the area above your ankle. or tug in the hockey socks to help out.

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i experienced the exact same thing just last week. Just buy a pair of skateguards and wear ur skates around the house. Its not as effective as actually skating in them but the 2nd time i went out in my supreme 8000s it felt much better. I also recommend unlacing the top eyelet for now.

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I posted the sore leg pain the first time I used the skates. I wore them at my desk off and on the next two days, the second time i used them no pain any where. Be careful they are very wide throughout, when at 40 do you draw the line between comfort and a little extra performance? I haven't decided yet.

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Thanks for posting that you got the problem resolved. The skates are wide throughout but they do loosen up quite a bit as they get older. This will allow you to get them tighter in areas that currently feel too loose.

Good luck with the skates! They are probably the most underappreciated pair of Bauers/Nikes to come out in a long time.

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