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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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frozen feet

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when i play this season, my toes are always frozen. speed burst's my specialty but b/c of lack of response from my toes, the steel dosen't dig well enough on the ice to start explosively. im having lack of balance too b/c of the frozen toes. at first i thought i can just ignore b/c it wasn't a huge deal to me. however after having two breakaways yesterday but with ill results b/c of the lack of balance on the ice, i really need to fix this problem.

im thinking of going to see a doctor about it, change of socks to thicker ones, as well as changing insoles.

i wear thin under armour sock, my skate's a easton air sbx with super feet insoles.

has anyone else had similar problems before that might help me out?

thanks a bunch

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Not sure what the problem is exactly, but are you tying your skates too tight and cutting off circulation in your toes? That could be it...I get cold toes sometimes too, but it doesn't bother me that much...

Otherwise, you could put one of those little heat packs made for ski gloves in the toe-box! :P

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I get that from time to time, happened last night, once I am out on the ice it doesn't bother me to be honest. I used to get it more with normal socks, as opposed to the thin hockey specific ones, so I don't know how much thicker socks will help unless you have a sock that soaks the moisture from your foot more effectively. My understanding is that it comes from the wetness of the sock and the coldness of the rink, if we have the same problem I wouldn't go to great lengths to fix it if I were you.

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thanks for the suggestions.

i never thought it was anything big but its been huge factors in 2 games in which my balance and explosive power was hampered b/c my lack of response in the skates, each steel arent curving the edge well enough because of it and thus im losing grip onthe ice and speed.

im gona try thicker sox since im wearing ua thin sox right now

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I've had the same problem, but I only notice it between shifts. I don't think I would want to go the heating pad way, but there are times when I am tempted. I don't know if the thicker sock would work since it will hold more moisture and in theory cool off more due to that moisture, but then again you are looking at a confined space with no ventilation so any moisture in there is going to cool your feet. I guess the thought is you won't sweat as much when its cold so thicker socks will keep you warmer. If you find anything that works let us know

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I used to have this problem but just kinda got used to it and it didnt bother me, then one game I took my skate off between periods to let the trainer look at it (lost an edge or something, cant remember) and the rest of the game that foot was fine but the one I didnt take off was still numb. So ever since then now I take my skates off as soon as I get in the room after the period and put them back on about 1 minute before the buzzer goes for the next period! Maybe this is worth trying?

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