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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help to track down a Hard plastic blade, For

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Like 5 year ago i came about on a nice hard plastic blade that had a Wood tenon in it and it was great for indoor / outdoor hockey.The plastic it was made from was like the street hockey Bauer/nike do/did.But i need them has a replecement blade and not a complete stick (like the bauer /nike does atm)

The thing his the store that had them is long gone and i cant remember the compagny that did those.They where a no name compagny.

The other thing you guys might suggest is ABS but the gym has refused them they only want plastic and i know mylec does one kind but it does hold tight when we do wrister or slap shot.So any output would help.

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Try Canadian Tire or your local hardware shop? Why won't your league allow ABS blades? I think you're in for a tough search looking for a decent plastic blade...are you playing with a crappy cosom puck/ball?

Otherwise, ditch this floor hockey league and play real hockey. You can play street hockey on just that, the street. And no one will tell you what kinda blade you can or can't use.

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