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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft or blade

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It depends on how picky you are with the balance of the stick, top of the line shaft with a wood blade will outperform a pricepoint shaft with a top of the line blade for most people but it is really personal preference. Your best bet would be to find the middle ground in both, an Ultra Lite would be a good start.

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McCabe24 Posted on Nov 2 2005, 09:59 PM

  It depends on how picky you are with the balance of the stick, top of the line shaft with a wood blade will outperform a pricepoint shaft with a top of the line blade for most people but it is really personal preference. Your best bet would be to find the middle ground in both, an Ultra Lite would be a good start. 

I agree with McCabe that a great shaft with a shitty blade will take you a longer way than a crapy shaft with a top notch blade.

The shaft will affect the power in shooting, but the blade will definitly play an important role in feel and accuracy. Many NHL'ers still use composite shafts with wood blades for a more natural feel.

If you don't want to spend too much cash on both a blade and shaft, get a good tapper shaft with a tapper wood blade... That's what I would do...

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ultra lite with a wood blade is a great combo...i dont like taper shafts with a wood blade when theyre extremely light (like the r2 xn10) it just throws off the balance. ultra light with wood feels very balanced to me and if one of the flexes works for you thats a great combo at a pretty low price too....finding a good pattern wood blade is the tough part.

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