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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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that strangepolice story sounds so fake, especially considering the guy said the enzo was worth more than $2,000,000.

Yeah it goes for $600,000, but then you can only use one kind of oil in it thats like $7000 a gallon or some kind of crazy price, plus all kinds of insane taxes, and the final price to drive the frickin thing is a little over $1mil.

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Actually enzo's do cost 2 mill. If not more. Why? because they dont make them anymore. They have a huge price tag because everyone one wants one but there arn't any left. Not to mention ferrari wont even consider you to have one if you dont have a history with there company.

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Actually enzo's do cost 2 mill. If not more. Why? because they dont make them anymore. They have a huge price tag because everyone one wants one but there arn't any left.

I cant get you one, right now, in the ~$900,000 range.

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