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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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changing curve on blade

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True, water is the enemy of wood, but so is dry heat. Here in Colorado, many retailers have to replace the wood sticks on their shelves because the dry mountain air makes the sticks very brittle.

If you are going to steam a blade over boiling water, hold it for about 15 seconds and repeat until the blade is flexible. As for drying, if the blade still feels flexible after you've curved it, it still has water inside. Your best bet is to wait 24 hours before using the blade.

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True, water is the enemy of wood, but so is dry heat.  Here in Colorado, many retailers have to replace the wood sticks on their shelves because the dry mountain air makes the sticks very brittle.

If you are going to steam a blade over boiling water, hold it for about 15 seconds and repeat until the blade is flexible.  As for drying, if the blade still feels flexible after you've curved it, it still has water inside.  Your best bet is to wait 24 hours before using the blade.

nice!!! you must be over the age of 30 lololol!!!

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True, water is the enemy of wood, but so is dry heat.  Here in Colorado, many retailers have to replace the wood sticks on their shelves because the dry mountain air makes the sticks very brittle.

If you are going to steam a blade over boiling water, hold it for about 15 seconds and repeat until the blade is flexible.  As for drying, if the blade still feels flexible after you've curved it, it still has water inside.  Your best bet is to wait 24 hours before using the blade.

nice!!! you must be over the age of 30 lololol!!!

On Monday, I will be. Happy birthday to me!

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