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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where do you get your laces?

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Where are you guys picking up laces? Checked EPuck and 1800FO and even the local shop...notta...

Been looking for some waxed laces or whatever...WHERE?!?! Thanks :D

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Where are you guys picking up laces? Checked EPuck and 1800FO and even the local shop...notta...

Been looking for some waxed laces or whatever...WHERE?!?! Thanks :D

My local rink has them.

If you tell me what size you need....if they have them....I'll pick them up for you on Wednesday. You'd have to paypal me 3.50 or whatever for the price of them. =)

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Awesome, thanks guys!

Thanks for the offer Krog7d7, since I can get them online I will. Now what size do I get? I have size 11 Mission Proto Si's right now...'99 or '00 can't remember. And is it possible for me to get lime green laces? Thanks!

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