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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for a AA minor midget team (goalie)

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I'm a goalie looking to play minor midget A, AA (preferably MM AA) or even an age up at Midget A. I am in the GTHL region and am currently playing SHA "A". If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.



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I know the link, the intent was if anyone here knew a team that wasnt posting on the site, as they didnt need a goalie, but wanted to switch up, or if they didnt post on the site for other reasons.

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don't they have rules as to where you can play.

if you play A, you have an affiliate AA club that you have to move up to?

you just cant play any where...

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SHA is a separate league than the GTHL, but it is still affiliated with the CHL. to leave your SHA team for a GTHL club you have to get a release from your organization. also the team you go to may have to have import spots available if your not in the area

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