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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z-carbon sicore feel...

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Hi guys, I used a synthesis normal synthesis sicore and a z-carbon sicore(in my Sl shaft)

The first synthesis were pretty the same(i would say that: the feel is about 5% better with the sicore)

But with my Z-carbon it feel like a ''ceramic"( i tried yglod's stealth for 5 min and i would say it pretty the same!!) it like if i can't ',dampen'' passes...

By the way i felt pretty the same thing with my syns INT blade...

Could it be because these 2 blade(INT ans z-carbon blade) are ''slimmer'' like (the vector blade) than the thicker blade of the synthesis??

Any advice!?

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Cobraa my man, I would love to help you out, but I'm not sure I understand what it is you're looking for.

I think you want to know if anyone has noticed a difference between sicore synthesis blades and regular synthesis blades. But I'm really not sure.

I have used them in standard hosel, and I really don't like the Sicore. I can't feel the puck whatesover on it, and the blade isn't lively at all. However, I really like my regular zcarbon blades. Love the feel, and the blade is much more lively.

My TPS PTC blade is a good, light blade, but like Mack has said, I really don't care for the "ceramic" feel. Just feel too plastic-like or something. I dunno. Many people love the TPS blades. Go figure.

I know people have had different experiences. I guess it comes down to PP.

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yea well...both my synthesis reg and sicore are ''good''

but my z-carbon sicore feel like ceramic(like if the blade were too stiff..everything bounce off this blade)

So i was wondering if it is just a ''get used to'' or i'm not the only one who felt this...

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Typically you will have that feeling woth most composite blades, no? Anyway, talking about replacement blades only, for me the best regarding liveliness are the Inno blades followed by the V110. (or as you described it "feeling the pass") I tried RBK, Z-Crap, Si-Core Z-Crap, Synthesis, Synthesis Si-Core, TPS X1 (i think it was called), Bauer Vapor V and X, CCM V120, V130. None came close to me....either too stiff/bouncy or plain dead. If you want want to go into OPS as well I really like the blade on the Stealth, Adrenaline and the V110 as well but dislike the the Xn10, Response or 120 ones especially.

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I got an XXX OPS but I have not touched it in ages. Tried it once and since then it´s collecting dust. I agree the blade feels more responsive but it is also way thicker than say a Z-Carbon blade or than the others I mentioned but to me the whole stick is totally wobbly and too shaky/tourquing...call it whatever...I really hate it. It feels like its flexing everywhere. I need something pretty evenly stiff, that focuses the flex pretty low (R2 XN 10) and a blade that feels alive (Inno). As I said in a different thread, that is the combo to go in my opinion.

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is the inno feel great in a r2xn10( i have 2 shaft)

i have to agree my v20 blade felt nice..so i figure that the v110 could be pretty good..but i think tha the v60 is better-made...

I LOVE it my XV blade...but had problem with the lindros curves...

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is the inno feel great in a r2xn10( i have 2 shaft)

i have to agree my v20 blade felt  nice..so i figure that the v110 could be pretty good..but i think tha the v60 is better-made...

I LOVE it my XV blade...but had problem with the lindros curves...

Absolutely! You hardly notice it´s a 2-piece because it is so perfectly ballanced in my opinion. It is also very light towards the blade. (I don´t like blade heavieness). I think only the Stealth has a lighter feeling blade. Also those Inno blades are tanks to me. I bought a McCarty and loved it so much that I bought another six. But only one has broken, yet. (I got two handed on the hosel) If you can get one for a good price I suggest you try one. They cost me around 55$ each

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