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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does stretching a skate risk damaging it?

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I bought my new Graf 735s a bit small for one of my feet- it's slightly bigger than the other foot. The skate is the right length on the smaller foot, but is a bit too short on the bigger. If I ask my LHS to put it on a stretcher, am I risking ruining the skate?

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I bought my new Graf 735s a bit small for one of my feet- it's slightly bigger than the other foot. The skate is the right length on the smaller foot, but is a bit too short on the bigger. If I ask my LHS to put it on a stretcher, am I risking ruining the skate?

not at all ,i had 735's ,i got them heat molded quite a few times ,ankles stretched ,width stretched and they were fine

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