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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hejduk Synthesis

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my black t-flex has a print that says it weighs 275g

Okay. Then it´s probably a T-Flex with a boron spine or whatever that thing is called.

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I agree, that stick looks like a t-flex. The only way that you could fit a t-flex blade into a synthesis is to cut the shaft. This would impact the flex. I am sure that he would not like that now would he??!!!!

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I agree, that stick looks like a t-flex. The only way that you could fit a t-flex blade into a synthesis is to cut the shaft. This would impact the flex. I am sure that he would not like that now would he??!!!!

you can fit a t-flex blade into a synthesis just fine. both are normal tapered blades. the synthesis is essentially a longer t-flex shaft. its just longer to compensate for the shorter hosel blades. and once again, i'm pretty positive that its just a painted t-flex.

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