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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinking about new skates...kor?

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Im thinking about getting new skates, my XXX's seem to be getting trashed pretty soon again, and I dont feel like getting a 4th pair in under a year. I love them and all and I would get them for free but Im thinking about something new. I tried on one of my buddies RBK 8k and wow they were comfy. Weird though they were 8 E's and fit nice but I wear 9 EE bauer. Are they pretty good with durability? Im thinking about trying a pair of synergy's because I can get them for next to nothing, but the first pair I had hurt my ankles really bad. What really has grabbed my attention is the Kor shift 1. But where do I buy a pair, and how much do they cost? I would like to try them on before ordering them off of the net. When do you think stores online or close to me will actually have them. Thanks in advance.

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Im thinking about getting new skates, my XXX's seem to be getting trashed pretty soon again, and I dont feel like getting a 4th pair in under a year. I love them and all and I would get them for free but Im thinking about something new. I tried on one of my buddies RBK 8k and wow they were comfy. Weird though they were 8 E's and fit nice but I wear 9 EE bauer. Are they pretty good with durability? Im thinking about trying a pair of synergy's because I can get them for next to nothing, but the first pair I had hurt my ankles really bad. What really has grabbed my attention is the Kor shift 1. But where do I buy a pair, and how much do they cost? I would like to try them on before ordering them off of the net. When do you think stores online or close to me will actually have them. Thanks in advance.

I know we have pretty much all the sizes in stock because they just don't sell instore or online very well at all. We list them as $429 US but we did have it at $399US at one point.

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