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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi Los on Code 1s?

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As I've mentioned before I'm having some problems with the new Humm'r chassis I just put on my Code 1s. I have a brand new pair of Red Star Hi-los lying around, and I was thinking about putting them on.

Does anyone know if there would be any problems with putting a Hi-lo chassis on the Code 1s that are designed for the all 80mm Humm'rs?

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i think it could work.. never thought about that lol.. hmm.. it probably should work unless the boot (bottom of it) isnt straight enough for the chassi to be mounted on.. i think it should work

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Looking at the bottom of the Code1 outsole and the top part of the chassis that connects to the boot...it will be a tight fit. Should be interesting.

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My call to "Brad" has not been returned. As well, Tour17 has made replies to various posts here, but has not responded to any of the problems. So I've given up on them, and I'm just gonna put the Hi-lo chassis on it.

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Thanks Justin. I'm sure my chassis is more of a Labeda issue than it is a Tour issue, but it's time to do something (Put on hilo chassis) otherwise I have a pair of $400 skates rotting away in my basement.

I'm just waiting for my 9500s to break in anyway. Man, those things are STIFF.

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