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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy 1300 Gloves

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I have some old easton airs and I am looking for some new Easton gloves. I noticed the 1300's went on sale for 89 bucks. I went to the store and they feel great! Does anybody have these gloves? do you like them? and do they hold up good? I think they are sharp looking glove.

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I have the 700's which are the same glove without the wrist guard and the extra layer on the palm. I love them so far. Had them for about a month now and they still look brand new so they are holding up well. I also came from a pair of Airs and really prefer these gloves. 89.00 is a good deal so go for it.

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I have the 700's which are the same glove without the wrist guard and the extra layer on the palm. I love them so far. Had them for about a month now and they still look brand new so they are holding up well. I also came from a pair of Airs and really prefer these gloves. 89.00 is a good deal so go for it.

Yep, purchased them tonight at my Local hockey shop, Payed a little more but I like to keep my business local. Very comfortable, don't even need to break them in.

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