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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth converted to shaft

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I bought a stealth cut OPS of ebay... 53inch long shaft... my problem is....since i'm tall i would like the longest shaft possible and use it :

Standard: nothing seem to fit,like i would need to sandpaper the tenon of my blade(well mostly the corner...)

Tapered: I would need to cut like 2-3inch long(which i dont like because i like long shaft...but i have a composite end plug anyways...)

Any advice i should know about the stealth?

Thanks guys

EDIT: i tried to fit my L-2 blade in my xn10 shaft and it seem too big compared to my synthesis... What up with Mission blade??, they always seem to be too big...

Do you think shaving a bit of the tenon of my blade would help?

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Grab as many T-Flex blades as you possibly can and go with those. Custom woods are also an option to keep a longer tapered blade. If not, would the 6" plug work well enough for the length w/ a short hosel tapered blade. May also give you the change to try and Oggie grip.

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i know i would need plug...but i prefer a 2-3 inch wood plug than a 6 inch wood plug!

anyways thanks for your opinions

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Funny thing. I actually had an L-2 blade in my XN10 shaft, and then put the L-2 Blade in the Stealth when mine broke at the blade. I actually loved the combo until it broke the next game...

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