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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I was doing some cleanup in the garage tonight, trying to figure out a good way to arrange my hockey gear so it can dry and air out, and hitting my crusty, rusty old helmet with a dose of Fabreeze to try to clear out some of the smell ;) when I stumbled across a brand new, tags-still-on-it, ice hockey helmet I'd bought about 4 years ago when my wife expressed an interest in learning to play. She turned out not to be interested after all, and it got stuffed in my "bag of extra, worn out, etc hockey gear", forgotton until today.

Woohoo! Fresh, clean, beautiful hockey helmet for the best of all possible prices. :D

Anyone else have any random or great finds lately?

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I recently played a game of ice hockey on Thanksgiving (pretty much a fulltime roller guy) and I needed a pair of hockey pants. Low and behold, while searching through my attic, I came a cross a pair of my Tackla pants I used when I was in HS. They still fit pretty well. I've put on all upper body weight, but I guess I'm still basically the same in the hip and leg area. I was very happy bout that since it meant not having to go out and buy a new pair. But the fiberglass from the attic insulation made me sooo itchy.

I also got a pair of unused Nike skates from awhile back. My little bro bought them and never used them. They smell like my garage, but they fit ok. They are a 9 Wide and even with my wide feet, they were just too wide, my foot was rolling around in them. But not a bad skate or find as it saved me money on new ice skates too.

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