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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Hockey Shops in Rhode Island?

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I'm headed to Wakefield, RI, with the wife and kid for christmas and was wondering if anyone could recommend a knowledgable, well-stocked, hockey shop in the area.

I'm also willing to drive a bit of a distance if you have any nearby recommendations.

((Hopefully we're moving there permenantly next Spring,... oh please get me out of Florida!! If you could also recommend an adult rec league I'd really appreciate it too!))

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I'd also suggest the Pure Hockey in Warwick. It's probably the biggest store in RI although that's not saying much.

I think there is a shop in rink at URI. That's the closest place from Wakefield that I can think of.

Moving to RI? Have you seen the real estate prices around here?!?!?

There are two rec leagues that I can think of off the top of my head. There is one in Cranston (www.cvhl.net) and one in North Smithfield. Not sure if there is one down in south county.

Feel free to PM me if you want more info.

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Thanks guys, I'll check out both of those places, and I'll look into the rinks/leagues too.

BruinsFanRI, I should be good, but I'll PM you if I need anymore help (thanks again!).

About the real estate values,... My wife and I are hoping that prices in Ft. Lauderdale stay up longer (and higher) than real estate prices in RI. Right now, we're doing everything we can to improve our existing home. We bought about 2 years ago and have seen local prices go up about 100 - 140k. Stil my wife grew up in Wakefield, and she's well aware that we couldn't even afford to buy in her old neighborhood.

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