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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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graf skates...i need help

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i have graf s3.1 skates w/t-blades and i have a problem. i have always like my skates tight around my ankles, and my ankles are kinda small but strong , and i put my shin pads over my tounges. the thing is that theskates feel week whenevr i make a stride o(try to skate) well they are caveing in or something like that. and there is no support and becuzof that cant really accelerate fast or generate much speed. now i just have a couple of questoins:

1)is anybody else having this problem and how did they fix it.

2)is there a way i can fix it

3)are there any other skates out there that have better support around the ankles.

thanks for the help i appreciate it

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I have been wearing Graf skates for the last 5-6 years and I have never heard of the s3.1. Is it a swedish model? It sounds like your skates are not stiff enough. The only solution that I can think of is to buy new skates. I wear 705s, G5s, or 709s which are all pretty stiff. So far I haven't had any probems with them breaking down.

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tyhe s3.1 came out this year i libve in canada... ther supra 3.1 but they say s3.1 opn t e back well supra s3.1 to be exact

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graf supra 301

They are a pretty good skate for an intermediate player. I haven't skated with graf skates other than my goalie skates. I had that sort of problem with my nike's when i first got them this year. If its a problem with forward flex that is making you feel like your not as fast or responsive then try undoing the top eyelet when you lace them up. Thats what i did and it worked out well for me.

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graf supra 301

They are a pretty good skate for an intermediate player. I haven't skated with graf skates other than my goalie skates. I had that sort of problem with my nike's when i first got them this year. If its a problem with forward flex that is making you feel like your not as fast or responsive then try undoing the top eyelet when you lace them up. Thats what i did and it worked out well for me.

thats not the skates....ill try to post a pic

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