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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Non-Labeled Bauer XXX

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I'm not sure if this topic belongs in the forum, but I just wanted to post that Perani's is selling Non-Labeled Bauer XXX for $119.00 w/ a 30 day store warranty. I bought one on tuesday, and the stick is great.

The district manager was in the store doing an audit, and told me Perani's bought the remaining Bauer XXX because Bauer is no longer manufactuering their own sticks. The stick is basically all blue. Also, the sticks have their own stiffness rating and curve codings...so the only way to determine whether the stick your holding is a Hossa, etc. is to compare it with a labeled stick. I actaully went in there to buy a XV shaft and blade to go with it, but i would have ended up spending more than $119 for the one peice. Took it to the rink yesterday and the stick was great. Just wanted to let you guys know. Again, sorry if this should have been posted somewhere else.

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