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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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05' pro tacks

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hi,was wondering any of u guys here have used the 05' pro tacks skate?, if u have how is it in term of durability,performance compared to vector pro...do give some feedback...pros and cons bout it...

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a buddy of mine wears them and prefers the vectors in comfort. Durability- he didn't notice much difference. He's a bit impartial to vectors though, isn't it funny how we develop a love with a type of skate or stick?

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a buddy of mine wears them and prefers the vectors in comfort. Durability- he didn't notice much difference. He's a bit impartial to vectors though, isn't it funny how we develop a love with a type of skate or stick?

Very true...maby specialy with skates and sticks. The last 6-7 years i've allways ended up getting some CCM Tacks when it comes to skates...

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We had a demo skate one day with all the new RBK/CCM equipment back in August. I first started out with the RBK 8K skate and only lasted about 20 minutes, besides killing my heel, it just didn't feel right, then I went to the new pro tacks and loved them. I felt perfectly balanced and comfortable right as I stepped out on the ice.

The main difference between the lines is that the vector has the most narrow heel, RBK heel is in the middle, and the tack has the widest heel.

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We had a demo skate one day with all the new RBK/CCM equipment back in August. I first started out with the RBK 8K skate and only lasted about 20 minutes, besides killing my heel, it just didn't feel right, then I went to the new pro tacks and loved them. I felt perfectly balanced and comfortable right as I stepped out on the ice.

The main difference between the lines is that the vector has the most narrow heel, RBK heel is in the middle, and the tack has the widest heel.

another big difference is that the vectors are a shallower fitting boot compared to the tacks which is a slightly deeper fitting boot

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We had a demo skate one day with all the new RBK/CCM equipment back in August. I first started out with the RBK 8K skate and only lasted about 20 minutes, besides killing my heel, it just didn't feel right, then I went to the new pro tacks and loved them. I felt perfectly balanced and comfortable right as I stepped out on the ice.

The main difference between the lines is that the vector has the most narrow heel, RBK heel is in the middle, and the tack has the widest heel.

another big difference is that the vectors are a shallower fitting boot compared to the tacks which is a slightly deeper fitting boot

Interesting. In moving from 03 Pro Tacks to 04 Vectors, I noticed the Vectors fit a bit deeper on me (boot sidewalls seem higher/closer at the bridge of my foot). I had lace bite issues accross the bridge of my foot with the shallower Pro Tacks; no issues with the Vectors.

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